Halu was born in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, with the spiritual revival and awakening of its founder, Katy Lopes. After a long Self-knowledge spiritual path of more than 10+ years, she graduated as Reiki Usui Tibetan Master Teacher.
Currently, Katy lives in California, United States where she earned a certificate of Multidimensional Therapy and master diploma of Crystal Reiki after many other studies.
All the knowledge acquired during this process resulted in the energy field of the universal triangle (body, mind, and soul), where Katy understood herself and was available as a channel of spirituality to help people reconnect to their higher self, intuition, and self-knowledge for the balance of the universal conscious mind.
Along with the Great White Brotherhood energy and the Usui Tibetan Reiki, Halu was created - which means “love for the Divine Truth” - which, through Ascended Masters of Universal Christlline Light, has the purpose of spiritual teaching and personal empowerment of all who here they are.
Reiki is a Japanese word that identifies the Usui Natural Healing System, named after its founder, Mikao Usui. Rei means universal and refers to the spiritual aspect, to our cosmic energetic essence, all energy in the universe. Ki is the individual vital energy that flows in all living organisms. Reiki energy is a process of meeting these two energies, Universal Energy and our physical energy. Making this energy one of the greatest forces on this planet for evolution and self-knowledge, a path of inner harmonization with the Universe. It is comforting energy from God, from the Creator.
Reiki is its own system to awaken the power that dwells within us, capturing, modifying, transmuting, and potentiating universal energy.
The crystals mirror light and awareness that are already ours. They help us to recognize this and get in touch with the Greater Light. Every crystal contains a specific program that was not made by any human being but by the Invisible Hands of the Creator.
This wisdom is an inheritance of ours, as people of the Earth, and it is time to assume our role and our responsibility as Guardians of the Earth.
In fact, our entire body is the Earth. We need to learn to work together with all the kingdoms that exist here, both physical and subtle, such as the device, angelic, mineral, animal, vegetable kingdoms. Learning to interact with these other kingdoms is to learn more about ourselves and who we are.
The healing through our hearts.
It is an integrative therapy originating from the planet Venus, where it develops through the therapist's heart chakra that is an energetic channel for the masters and the light team, and the client.
Helene Abiassi channeled this technique.
We believe that healing is love, and activating your heart portal, great healing and changes are allowed to happen.
Multidimensional Therapy is an energy that works with the integral healing of the four and more bodies through the heart chakra.
It can be directed to all areas of our life such as relationships, family, work, finances, health, behaviors, relationships.
The Great White Brotherhood is a spiritual order of beings of light who have joined with the Spirit of God to manage the evolution of humanity on planet Earth. The Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, have dedicated themselves fully to the evolution of our planet, regardless of ages, cultures, and religions, bringing us inspirations and awakening our souls so that achievements can be made in line with our purposes, achieving creative projects in education, the arts, and sciences of humanity as a whole.
It is worth mentioning that the word "white" does not refer to race or color but the energetic aura of crystalline white light surrounding this order.
Halu is a Karuna Reiki symbol, most used as a master reiki level. This symbol clears blockages from all our chakras, open channels to higher consciousness, and helps us understand that there is no bad, it is only a different perspective, no judgments because we are all one.
Halu makes us sparks like a crystal, making us being our own light in the darkness.
Our motto and mission are making easy your re-connect with our higher-selves.
Katy Lopes
Attuned as Master Reiki Usui Tibetan, Master of Karuna Reiki, Celtic Reiki level I, II & III, and Crystal Reiki Master. Certificate of Multidimensional therapy and broad knowledge of Yoruba and ancient natural white witchcraft culture.
All treatments were performed with emphasis on Lemurian crystalline healing energy.
Attuned as Guardian of the 7th ray of the great Universal White Brotherhood, focusing the sessions together with the energy of the command St Amethyst using universal energy methods to align your physical, mental, and astral bodies.
Assistance with energetic oracles, tarot, Grabovoi numerology, and crystals.
CRT: 51885
We are grateful for the opportunity to help bring awareness, light, and love to all who pass by us. That's why we started Halu. We believe that helping others is of great importance and indispensable for our personal growth and the prosperity and harmony of the Universe as human beings. We are here to support and help each other. Our religion is love, free from dogmas and standards, so we will always remember to return all the love that nature has given us through kindness and compassion.
Therefore, a percentagef all profitable purposes will be donated to institutions in great need focused on the sustainable environment, children, seniors in need, and abandoned animals with disabilities, whether wild or domestic. We will intuitively select an institution every month, along with sending reiki energy and universal love to planet earth and its inhabitants.
More Informations soon!